Friday, September 28, 2007

Linux vs XP?

Let me know what one is better I am kinda thinking about changing over to Linux. (click here)


Anonymous said...

Well it depends on what you need you computer for. If you play games and use applications that run only on Windows and can't be run using the WINE emulator, then you are more or less restricted to Windows. If you are free of restrictions like this I would definitely go with Linux. Linux is simply more stable, you don't have to worry about viruses, it looks better (also be sure to check out Compiz Fusion 3D desktop), gives you more choice an more power. And the best of all it is completely free. In both meanings: no money and in full freedom. I've been using Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring with KDE desktop for the last half year or so and I'm very happy with it. Mandriva 2008 is also about to be released any day now. And remember, you don't need to make the big jump into freedom right away. You can always have both Linux and Windows installed along each other and take it slowly but surely.

Love Carz said...
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Maarten Kooiker said...

Well, actually that is exactly how I started. Dual boot. It lasted about 2 months after that I threw away my windows partition (though I'm a bit more mainstream than klaus and using UBUNTU).
I have had some bad an above all many good experiences with linux (check out my blog

Maarten Kooiker said...

Well, actually that is exactly how I started. Dual boot. It lasted about 2 months after that I threw away my windows partition (though I'm a bit more mainstream than klaus and using UBUNTU).
I have had some bad an above all many good experiences with linux (check out my blog at

Anonymous said...

I agree with many of klaus' points re: Linux and it will really do most everything you need - plus all the software's free...

My distribution of choice is Ubuntu (Gutsy), however instead of ditching XP, I have it running on VirtualBox as a "virtual machine" inside of Ubuntu. Dead easy to setup, and I can still run apps like the latest Photoshop, etc... where getting them to run Wine is not always supported. Though don't expect to play 3D accelerated games with VMs. Mostly it's there as a novelty though (I had the extra XP license), as I have very little need for Windows these days...