Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Car Tips

Car Tips

Keep your car tuned up. Cars in poor running condition use more gasoline.

Keep your windows closed when traveling at high speeds.

Open windows cause additional drag and lower your gas mileage.

At high speeds, an open window can use more gas than many air conditioners (especially if they are on a low setting).

Check your tire pressure.

Stop and go traffic hurts your gas mileage.

If you are stuck in traffic and you don't think you are going to go

anywhere in the next five minutes, you may want to turn your car off.

Try to accelerate slowly when leaving the stop light..

If at all possible, try to arrange car pools with co-workers to share the

cost of commuting to work.

When the price is sky high, don't fill up. Wait for the price to go down

before you fill up your tank.

It is also a good idea to take along water, food, warm blankets and extra clothing. A lengthy delay will make you glad you have them.

Put an extra car key in your pocket. A number of motorists have locked themselves out of their cars when warming it up in the morning.

Be more observant. Visibility is often limited in winter by weather conditions. Slow down and watch for other vehicles and for snow equipment.

When stalled, stay with your vehicle and try to conserve fuel while maintaining warmth. Be alert to any possible exhaust or monoxide problems.

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