Monday, October 15, 2007

Celebrities Taking Orphan Hair?


Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie: these are the contemporary wearers of weaves, and – according to Fermale First – Amy Winehouse has just learned the secret behind the beehive. Apparently, some real hair companies use Romanian orphans as little hair farms, and someone told Amy Winehouse that these tots were forced to cut off all their hair to provide extensions for woman in the west.

Says a source: "Amy met a lovely lady from the group Beauty Hurts and they started chatting about the real hair racket.

"She had no idea orphans were exploited. She knows where her weave comes from and to be honest, it's the US where most of the unethically culled hair ends up but she still wanted to help."

So, the “rehab” singer donated $100,000 to the cause. At first, this seemed like a really nice gesture, but if you think about it, Amy just got fast-talked by a rep from the Beauty Hurts charity. Maybe I should give her a call and tell her about how this new pyramid scheme I’ve been involved in helps prevent the killing of babies for their polished and preserved skeletons.

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