Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cope with Stress

35 Creative Ways to Cope with Stress

Dealing with stress is never fun. Unexpected expenses that strain the bank account, sudden tragedies, or just the normal, inconveniences can drive normally sane people off the deep end. Here are some tips for keeping it calm.

1. Take a walk by the ocean (or lake or river). The sound of running water is great for the nerves.

2. Listen to a favorite song at high volume. (It helps even more if you sing and dance). Losing yourself in the lyrics, the rhythm and the motion will help you lose the stress.

3. Drink a hot cup of tea. Keep the tea herbal and caffeine free. The warm liquid if soothing for your body.

4. Find a quiet place (closet, bathroom, or even under the bed) to get away for a few minutes. Think of this as your quiet place where no cares (or children or spouse) are allowed to follow.

5. Go on a drive through the country. Taking time out to enjoy the scenery and the seasons will make it easier to return and face reality. Don’t limit your time, just go where the road leads you.

6. Write a friend a note or letter. Talk about the good things going on in your life. Share some of the fun and adventures you are having. Ask about what is going on with them. Talking with a friend, even if it is in print, always makes life a little better.

7. Go see a fun, uplifting movie. Being around positive influences will rub off on your own attitude.

8. Go visit with a favorite relative. Visiting with someone special helps to take the focus off of your own situation or life and allows things to fall into better perspective.

9. Read a good book – or at least a good magazine if time doesn’t allow for a whole book. Let your mind wander into the life and adventures of other people.

10. Get a massage. A trained masseur will be able to help release the stress from muscles you didn’t even know you have.

11. Jump on a trampoline (or just go play on the playground). Acting like a kid again gets you feeling like a kid again. Kids have no stress.

12. Take a thirty minute nap. Every thing needs to be recharged now and again. A quick, power nap can often be the key to releasing all your stress.

13. Take a LONG, hot bath (complete with candles and soft music). Taking time to pamper you is essential to dealing with stress.

14. Volunteer some time for a good cause. This not only puts your focus on another person, it often makes you appreciate the life you are living. Besides, helping others is always a good thing.

15. Go for a sailboat ride. There is just something about the sound of the water lapping against the boat and the silence of electronics and motors that comes when the boat is under sail that will make you breath a little easier.

16. Get your hair cut and styled. This isn’t as good as a massage, but you will be pampered and come out looking great and feeling better.

17. Visit the local zoo or botanical gardens. Taking time to enjoy the simple things in life keeps you from getting too caught up in the stressful issues that come at you from all directions.

18. Have a game night with family or friends. Friends and family, coupled with games and laughter, are certain stress relievers.

19. Eat a picnic outside. Taking time for a picnic means taking time to slow down. You get to experience your environment instead of just passing through.

20. Do some bird watching. Birds can be fascinating to watch, and it can be exhilarating to see a hawk take some prey or watch a momma feed her young.

21. Take a walk in the rain. Use an umbrella if you must, but just walk in the rain if the temperature allows (and there is no lighting). Let the warm drops wash away all the stress. It helps if you stomp in a few puddles along the way.

22. Learn to play a musical instrument. It is true that music soothes the savage beast. You also have the added benefit of learning something new.

23. Go horseback riding. If you have never had the chance to go, it’s like sailing on land. The power of the horse, the wind in your hair, the beauty of the trails will not only take away the stress but it is likely to take your breath away as well.

24. Get a pet. There is nothing more soothing than a cat purring in your lap or a dog curled up by your side.
25. Build a bonfire, watch the flames, and roast a few marshmallows. The flickering flames almost hypnotize away the stress.

26. Take an art class. Art gives you a new way to express yourself and time away from the issues that may be causing you stress.

27. Go to a hands on craft store. Make a couple of ceramic pots. Cut out a few scrape book pages. Letting your creativity out for a little while is a great way to run stress out of your life.

28. Find some time and a place to just be alone. Take some time to breathe in the fresh air or listen to the quiet.
29. Crochet or knit a scarf. Another creative way to let your mind escape the stress. Plus you will have some great gifts for the winter.

30. Write in a journal. Let your problems and cares spill out on paper and they almost seem to evaporate from your mind. If nothing else, writing out a problem will help you work through it – which will help the stress factor in your life.

31. Bake some bread or some cookies or cook some stew. Home cooked food warms the soul long before it is consumed. If you are worried about adding pounds on to your figure, then give your creations to friends, family, or neighbors.

32. Have a good, long laugh. Laughing every day is great exercise and had been proven to make you live longer. Besides, it’s hard to be stressed when you are laughing.

33. Take time off from work. The world will not end if you take a day off now and then. Use your vacation time and personal leave time to recharge and refocus. You will not only be less stressed, but you will be a better employee.

34. Keep your finances in order. Money issues are the number one cause of stress in most people’s lives. Avoid problems by managing your finances.

35. Start a savings account. Having a safety net is the number one way to reduce stress in your life. Also pay off your private student loans, as interest can pile up and can cause a great deal of stress

Avoiding stress is probably possible in a perfect world, but most of us have to deal with it now and then. By using some creativity, and thinking outside the box, you can deal with what ever stress life might throw your way.

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