Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Free Hugs All Around The World

Sick Puppies~ Video

Free Hugs in KOREA


Free Hugs Scotland

Free Hugs Amsterdam


Free Hugs in China!

Free Hugs Campaign on TEN News Australia

Shibuya Tokyo

No Clue What The Song Is But It Sounds Nice!

Free Hugs - Paris

Free Hugs Israel
Bit Copy Vid I Still love that they did it

Free Hugs Bucharest

Hugs in
great city of brotherly love

Free Hugs Manila, Philippines

Free Hugs - World

Free Hugs Campaign! v. newfoundland

Free Hugs México-Abrazos Gratis
didn't stream that well for me but try it if it works

Free Hugs Aids Campaign, It's Beautiful

Ok In My Search I Found Over 330,000,000,000 Vids I Narrowed It Down A Bit..

Monday, January 28, 2008



Stage #1 -- Smart

This is when you suddenly become
an expert on every subject. You
know all and greatly wish to
express this knowledge to anyone who
will listen. At this stage you
are also always right. And of course
the person you are talking with
is very wrong. You will talk for
hours trying to convince someone
that you are right. This makes for
interesting argument when both
parties are "smart". Two people
talking, in fact, arguing about a
subject neither one really knows anything
about, but are convinced that they are
they complete authority on the
subject makes for great entertainment
for those get the opportunity to
listen in.

Stage #2 -- Handsome/Pretty

This is when you are convinced
that you are the best looking person in
the entire room and everyone is
looking at you. You begin to wink at
perfect strangers and ask them
to dance because of course they
had been admiring you the whole evening.
You are the center of attention, and all
eyes are directed at you because you are
the most beautiful thing on the
face of the earth. Now keep in mind that
you are still smart, so you can
talk to this person who has been admiring
you about any and all subjects
under the sun.

Stage #3 -- Rich

This is when you suddenly become
the richest person in the world. You can
buy drinks for the entire bar and
put it on your bill because you surely
have an armored truck full of
your money parked behind the bar. You can
also make bets in this stage.
Now of course you still know all, so you
will always win all your bets.
And you have no concern for how much
money you bet because you have all the
money in the world. You will also
begin to buy drinks for all the people
in the bar who are admiring you
because you are now the smartest, prettiest,
and richest person on the
face of the earth.

Stage #4 -- Bulletproof

You can now pick fights with
the people you have been betting money with
because you cannot be hurt by
anything. At this point you
would go up to
the boyfriend of the woman who
had been admiring your beautiful self
all evening and challenge him
to a battle of wits for money. You have no
worry about losing this battle
of wits because you know all, have all
the money to cover this bet,
and you obviously win a fight that might
erupt if he looses.

Stage #5 -- Invisible

This is the final stage
of drunkenness. At this point
you can do absolutely anything
because no one can see you.
You can get up and dance
on a table; you can strip down
to your underwear, to impress
the people who have been admiring
you all evening, because
the rest of the people
in the room cannot see you.
You are also invisible to the person whom
you have picked a fight with
earlier in the evening.
You can walk through
the streets singing at the top
of your lungs (because of course you are
still smart and know the tune perfectly)
and no one will think anything
of it because they can't see you.
All your social inhibitions are
gone. You can do anything,
because no one will know.

And you certainly won't remember !

Heath Ledger Dead Update

Heath En Route to Final Resting Place

Originally posted Friday January 25, 2008 04:40 PM EST

Photo by: Lisa Rose / JPI
Heath En Route to Final Resting Place | Heath Ledger
The remains of Heath Ledger were removed from the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home in New York City Friday afternoon, and are en route to an unspecified airport, police confirm to PEOPLE.

A little before 4 p.m., the body – carried inside a light-wood box – was loaded into a Cadillac hearse to be transported to a local-area airport.

Police had set up barricades outside the funeral home earlier in the day.

Ledger's grieving father Kim, mother Sally and sister Kate placed messages of remembrance in Friday's West Australian newspaper.

One signed by the entire family read: "You dreamed your dreams and lived them with passion and intelligent commitment. We have been privileged to accompany you on a ride through life that has simply been amazing and through it all, we have loved each other beyond imagination."

Bushido Video's

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Free Hugs Campaign

Free Hugs

Dj Tiesto

DJ Tiësto Is A DJ GOD And this is why.... look at the vids

Dj Tiesto Power Mix

DJ Tiësto - Love comes again

DJ Tiësto - Just Be

DJ Tiësto - Beautiful Things

Angry wife of school administrator

Candy Tistadt

The Transcript
This is Candy Tistadt, Dean Tistadt's wife. This message is for Dave Kori. How DARE you call us at home? If you've got a problem going to school, you do NOT call somebody's house and complain about it. My husband was up at 4 o'clock this morning, trying to decide the best thing to do, to send you to school, on a day when the weatherman is calling for one thing and another thing happens. You don't begin to know what you're talking about. And don't you EVER call here again. My husband has been at the office since 6:30 this morning. So don't you even suggest that he purposefully didn't answer his phone. He is out almost every single night of the week at meetings with snotty-nosed, little brats, and he may not have called you, but it's not because he's home because it snowed. Get over it, kid, and go to school. Get an education, that's what you're there for.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger is Dead

Heath Ledger's Final Days | Heath Ledger The day before he died, Heath Ledger had a quiet breakfast alone, then bought groceries and made plans for the following day, PEOPLE has learned.

Monday Morning

Ledger spent Monday morning having a light meal at Le Pain Quotidien near his apartment. "He wasn't chatty – he looked like he wanted to be left alone," an observer said, noting that Ledger spoke softly and ate a bowl of granola while listening to music on his iPod, with the volume loud.

Monday Afternoon

Later that day, the actor stocked up on groceries. A frequent patron to Gourmet Garage near his Broome Street apartment where he was found dead Tuesday, Ledger, 28, typically grabbed "a few items," but around 6 p.m. Monday night he bought food that "looked like stuff he would prepare," a grocery store employee tells PEOPLE.

Ledger's Soho apartment Photo by: James Devaney / WireImage
Heath Ledger's Final Days| Heath Ledger
"He had three bags of groceries, mainly produce like fruits and vegetables. I remember he had organic chicken sausages," says catering sales manager Liz Bullis, 22. "He packed his own groceries. About half of our customers help out like that. He was always very friendly and pretty quiet."

Monday Evening

That evening, Ledger's director on the 2002 film The Four Feathers, Shekhar Kapur, arrived in New York and called his former star to meet.

"He said he could not see me that night but really wanted to meet me the next day," Kapur, 62, said. "He made me promise that I would call him in the morning and wake him up. I tried."

Tuesday, 12:30 p.m.

The last person to see Ledger alive was his housekeeper, Teresa Solomon, who arrived at the apartment around 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to police.

Solomon went to change a light bulb in a bathroom next to Ledger's bedroom at 1 p.m., saw him on the bed and thought she heard him snoring, CNN and the Associated Press report.

It was 2:45 p.m. when masseuse Diana Wolozin arrived at the apartment and called his cell around 3 p.m. "She waited [outside his room] and tried calling him [on his cell phone] and he did not respond," a police source tells PEOPLE. "She went into the room. She started setting up the massage table and he wasn’t waking up – wasn’t responding."

Wolozin reportedly shook Ledger to rouse him and when he did not respond, she used the speed dial on Ledger's phone to call Mary-Kate Olsen.

Tuesday, 3:17 p.m.

The masseuse called Olsen, 21, three times (first, at 3:17 p.m. for 49 seconds; a second time at 3:20 p.m. for 1 minute, 39 seconds; and a third time at 3:24 p.m. for 24 seconds).

Then Wolozin called 911, at 3:26 p.m., 45 minutes after arriving at the apartment, police sources tell the AP. Cops say Olsen, who was in California, then arranged for her security personnel to go to the apartment.

Emergency aid workers arrived at the apartment just as Olsen's security people showed up (they took the elevator up together), but paramedics would not allow Olsen's team into the bedroom.

Ledger was pronounced dead at 3:36 p.m. ET, 19 minutes after the first call to Olsen, AP reports.

Wolozin called Olsen a final time, at 3:34 p.m.

Supermodel Helena Christensen, 39, told Women's Wear Daily that she was about to visit Ledger when she heard of his death. "I was on my way over to pay him a visit when I found out," she said. "I had just left him a message and heard his voice on the machine."


Michelle Williams was on location in Sweden, believed to be with 2-year-old daughter Matilda, when she got the news: Heath Ledger was found dead in New York at age 28.

"She's devastated," says a source close to the 27-year-old actress.

Although their three-year relationship didn't last, Williams and Ledger could always agree that their daughter comes first.

"He was absolutely in love with his daughter," says another source. "And he really liked what he did [acting]. He spoiled [Matilda] rotten. He was playful and very funny with her."

The source adds: "I can't believe Matilda is going to grow up without a dad, without knowing her father. And that Michelle will have to deal with having a daughter who's lost her father. She's a survivor. She'll make it, but it's going to be hard. Her first concern is going to be Matilda."


Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC at Age 28

Ledger was found dead Tuesday at a downtown Manhattan residence, and police said drugs may have been a factor. He was 28. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Ledger had an appointment for a massage at the Manhattan apartment believed to be his home. The housekeeper who went to let him know the masseuse had arrived found him dead at 3:26 p.m.

The Australian-born actor was nominated for an Oscar for "Brokeback Mountain," where he met his wife, actress Michelle Williams, in 2005. Ledger and Williams had lived in Brooklyn and had a daughter, Matilda, until they split up last year.

Ledger was to appear as the Joker this year in "The Dark Night," a sequel to 2005's "Batman Begins." He's had starring roles in "A Knight's Tale" and "The Patriot," and played the suicidal son of Billy Bob Thornton in "Monster's Ball."

Ledger grew up in Perth, and began doing amateur theater at age 10. At 16, he moved to Sydney to pursue an acting career, quickly landing TV movie roles and guest spots on Australian television.

After several independent films and a starring role in the short-lived Fox TV series "Roar," Ledger moved to Los Angeles and costarred in "10 Things I Hate About You," a teen comedy reworking of "The Taming of the Shrew."

Offers for other teen flicks came his way, but Ledger turned them down, preferring to remain idle than sign on for projects he didn't like.

"It wasn't a hard decision for me," Ledger told the Associated Press in 2001. "It was hard for everyone else around me to understand. Agents were like, `You're crazy,' my parents were like, `Come on, you have to eat.'"

His latest role was in "I'm Not There," in which he played one of the many incarnations of Bob Dylan — as did Cate Blanchett, whose performance in that film earned an Oscar nomination Tuesday for best supporting actress.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Top Fifty Atheist T-Shirt and Bumper Sticker Aphorisms

Top Fifty Atheist T-Shirt and Bumper Sticker Aphorisms

  1. Abstinence Makes the Church Grow Fondlers

  1. Honk If Your Religious Beliefs Make You An Asshole

  1. Intelligent Design Makes My Monkey Cry

  1. Too Stupid to Understand Science? Try Religion.

  1. *There's A REASON Why Atheists Don't Fly Planes Into Buildings

  1. "Worship Me or I Will Torture You Forever. Have a Nice Day."­ God.

  1. *God Doesn't Kill People. People Who Believe in God Kill People.

  1. If There is No God, Then What Makes the Next Kleenex Pop Up?

  1. He's Dead.
    It's Been 2,000 years.
    He's Not Coming Back.
    Get OVER It Already!

  1. *All religion is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry. Edgar Allen Poe.

  1. Viva La Evolución!

  1. Actually, If You Look It Up, The Winter Solstice Is The Reason For The Season

  1. I Wouldn't Trust Your God Even If He Did Exist

  1. Cheeses Is Lard. Argue With THAT If You Can.

  1. *People Who Don't Want Their Beliefs Laughed at Shouldn't Have Such Funny Beliefs

  1. Jesus is Coming? Don't Swallow That.

  1. Threatening Children With Hell Is FUN!


  1. Jesus Told Me Republicans SUCK

  1. *God + Whacky Tobacky = Platypus

  1. God Doesn't Exist. So, I Guess That Means No One Loves You.

  1. When the Rapture Comes, We'll Get Our Country Back!

  1. Q. How Do We Know the Holy Ghost Was Catholic?
    A. He Used the Rhythm Method Instead of a Condom.

  1. You Say "Heretic" Like It Was a BAD Thing

  1. I Love Christians. They Taste Like Chicken.

  1. *Science: It Works, Bitches.

  1. "Intelligent Design" Helping Stupid People Feel Smart Since 1987

  1. I Found God Between The Sheets

  1. I Gave Up Superstitious Mumbo Jumbo For Lent

  1. My Flying Monkey Can Beat Up Your Guardian Angel

  1. Every Time You Play With Yourself, God Kills a Kitten

  1. *If God Wanted People to Believe in Him, Then Why Did He Invent Logic?

  1. Praying Is Politically Correct Schizophrenia

  1. *ALL Americans Are African Americans

  1. *I Forget - Which Day Did God Make All The Fossils?

  1. I Was An Atheist Until The Hindus Convinced Me That I Was God

  1. The Spanish Inquisition: The Original Faith-based Initiative

  1. *If we were made in his image, when why aren't humans invisible too?

  1. *JESUS SAVES....You From Thinking For Yourself

  1. *How Can You Disbelieve in Evolution If You Can't Even Define It?

  1. *Q. How Can You Tell That Your God is Man-made?
    A. If He Hates All the Same People You Do.

  1. Every Time You See a Rainbow, God is Having Gay Sex

  1. I Went to Public School in Kansas and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt and a Poor Understanding of the Scientific Method.

  1. WWJD = We Won. Jesus Died.

  1. The Family That Prays Together is Brainwashing the Children

  1. Oh, Look, Honey Another Pro-lifer For War

  1. *Another Godless Atheist for Peace and World Harmony

  1. God is Unavailable Right Now. Can I Help You?

  1. When Lip Service to Some Mysterious Deity Permits Bestiality on
    Wednesday and Absolution on Sundays, Cash Me Out. Frank Sinatra.

  1. No Gods. No Mullets.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Porn, I Want More Porn

I Want More Porn ( Original Song )

Wednesday, January 16, 2008



I love this Vid it's funnny and well let me know what you think....

PARIS IN JAIL: The Music Video


Monday, January 14, 2008

Fix a dent with canned air and a hair dryer

Fix a dent with canned air and a hair dryer

Remove Car Dent With Airduster - video powered by Metacafe

Alycia Lane Charged with Assault

Alycia Lane is once again front page material having punched a female officer for a reason that was not yet disclosed.

Two things:

Does anyone know why she did this?

Why does an Emmy Award winner goes about sending pictures of herself in a bikini, and punches officers. She's already acclaimed as a serious anchor woman, why this frantic search for attention?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Viatron owns YOU!!!

This is a true story...kinda

Style: Variety
Joined: October 24, 2005
Last Login: 2 hours ago
Videos Watched: 420,833
Subscribers: 54,650
Channel Views: 1,517,630
I have removed 20 of my music videos from YouTube in fear of having my account deleted. In 2006, I wrote a song called "Make Poop" and posted a video of me performing it live in front of a crowd. Viacom accused me of copyright violations (for an unknown reason) and YouTube removed the video. I recently recieved a message from YouTube warning me of the consequences of this accused violation. So I have decided to remove all my music videos to help insure my account's security on YouTube. I left "The Mean Kitty Song" up, but I will be posting my music videos elsewhere. To the fans of my music, I'm sorry. I'll have a new post about this on my website soon.

So YouTube took the video of me falling down the stairs down because they said it was copyrighted. WHAT?!? There was no music, no logos, nothing but Lisa and I. This is a sad day for YouTube if they actually don't watch videos. If this happens again, I'm done here!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Family Guy- Stewie Beats up Brian/Where's My Money

Family Guy I die every time. lol lol

Weight Loss Tips and Myths

Myth: You don’t have to count calories
Fact: Counting calories is important

Myth: Always eat breakfast
Fact: Eat some time during the morning

Myth: Eat three times a day — don't snack
Fact: Eat when you want to maintain calorie intake

Myth: Carbohydrates make you fat
Fact: Carbs are necessary for a balanced diet

Myth: Avoid fats
Fact: Fats increase your sense of fullness

Myth: Cut out desserts
Fact: Don’t deprive yourself sweets

Myth: Don’t worry about dieting — just exercise
Fact: Exercising alone is not enough

Myth: Don’t weigh yourself
Fact: Get on that scale!

Myth: Never eat at night
Fact: Calories don’t know time

Myth:No snacking between meals
Fact: Calories are calories

Dieter’s tip: Reduce calories
The best way to think of cutting calories is to go backwards. Add up your daily calories. If you eat 500 fewer calories a day, you can expect to lose a pound a week, which is considered to be fairly fast weight loss. If you cut out 250 calories a day, you will lose two pounds a month.

Forget about so-called fat-burners, or 'thermogenic' supplements. The only effective way to burn fat fast is to get active, burn calories and raise your normal metabolic rate. This helps to keep your body in good condition and it helps to motivate you to lose weight.

How Exercise Helps You to Burn Fat Fast

Let's say you eat 1 cup full-fat yogurt (approx 240 calories).

* If you jump rope, you can burn off all these calories in about 22 minutes.
* If you walk at 3mph, you can burn off these calories in about 48 minutes.
* In addition, exercise helps to raise your metabolic rate, which makes it easier to lose fat.
* Finally, exercise also helps you to lose fat by boosting your motivation to stick to your weight loss program.

Your metabolism doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet.

Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days -- because it assumes that you'll continue to eat in the same general way.

Time to shock your metabolism by doing something you've never tried before you're going to do the OPPOSITE of what it expects you to do. You're going to NOT continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time, and you're going to lose a lot of weight by doing this.

To make this work you need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten as shown in our diet on the next page, and if you do this then your metabolism will burn all of the calories eaten. Then, when it finishes burning those calories it will find the nearest available fat tissue on your body and burn that too..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Linux Found this via digg

VectorLinux 5.9 - Will It Be Pandemic? E-mail
Written by Administrator
Monday, 31 December 2007


Another Christmas, Another Home Run

With seven stable releases of VectorLinux Standard Gold edition under their belts, the developers of VectorLinux have released the much-awaited VectorLinux 5.9 Standard Gold edition on the 21st of December 2007 to the joy of many Vectorians. Well, in case you are not aware of VectorLinux, it is another immensely popular Xfce-based Linux distribution in the GNU/Linux world. It originates from Canada and focuses on speed, stability and choice. It's designed to run well even on low-resources compatible Intel or AMD x86 hardwares. Other than the announcement of the new release, its website, also provide many screenshots of the new VectorLinux 5.9 Standard Gold or just called VectorLinux 5.9. While you are there, you may want to check out its CD store for the Deluxe version.

New Year's Resolution Song

FACE IT. You WON'T keep your Resolutions. How about a new approach for 2008? Watch this to start your New Year out right.

The Like To The Actual You Tube Is Here Click Here

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson Has Her Hands Full..

Pamela Anderson acknowledges her struggles but she can only shrug and move on.

"Oh there's plenty," of problems, as she headed to LAX nightclub in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve. "What can you do? We're all human. We're all trying."

Her plans for 2008 are,"More of the same. More excitement, more fun."

Last year, in which the actress turned 40, might be hard to beat.

Her brief marriage to Kid Rock was officially dissolved in early 2007. Anderson waited four months before walking down the aisle for the third time with Rick Salomon, a friend of 15 years.

She filed for divorce on Dec. 14 in Los Angeles Superior Court, citing irreconcilable differences, but days later Anderson posted a message on her blog saying: "We're working things out."

In her first online posting since then, Anderson updated her Web site Monday and hinted at the "insanity" of last year. Still, her New Year's resolution is clear:

"I know 2008 will bring all your wildest dreams. 2007 was an interesting year for me. What's the definition of insanity? This is the year I do everything I wanted to do – my way. I have so many great projects – for the environment, for animals. I'm going to be proud of every single day – and make sure I do not veer from the path. Stay focused."