Thursday, January 24, 2008

Angry wife of school administrator

Candy Tistadt

The Transcript
This is Candy Tistadt, Dean Tistadt's wife. This message is for Dave Kori. How DARE you call us at home? If you've got a problem going to school, you do NOT call somebody's house and complain about it. My husband was up at 4 o'clock this morning, trying to decide the best thing to do, to send you to school, on a day when the weatherman is calling for one thing and another thing happens. You don't begin to know what you're talking about. And don't you EVER call here again. My husband has been at the office since 6:30 this morning. So don't you even suggest that he purposefully didn't answer his phone. He is out almost every single night of the week at meetings with snotty-nosed, little brats, and he may not have called you, but it's not because he's home because it snowed. Get over it, kid, and go to school. Get an education, that's what you're there for.

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