Monday, January 7, 2008

Weight Loss Tips and Myths

Myth: You don’t have to count calories
Fact: Counting calories is important

Myth: Always eat breakfast
Fact: Eat some time during the morning

Myth: Eat three times a day — don't snack
Fact: Eat when you want to maintain calorie intake

Myth: Carbohydrates make you fat
Fact: Carbs are necessary for a balanced diet

Myth: Avoid fats
Fact: Fats increase your sense of fullness

Myth: Cut out desserts
Fact: Don’t deprive yourself sweets

Myth: Don’t worry about dieting — just exercise
Fact: Exercising alone is not enough

Myth: Don’t weigh yourself
Fact: Get on that scale!

Myth: Never eat at night
Fact: Calories don’t know time

Myth:No snacking between meals
Fact: Calories are calories

Dieter’s tip: Reduce calories
The best way to think of cutting calories is to go backwards. Add up your daily calories. If you eat 500 fewer calories a day, you can expect to lose a pound a week, which is considered to be fairly fast weight loss. If you cut out 250 calories a day, you will lose two pounds a month.

Forget about so-called fat-burners, or 'thermogenic' supplements. The only effective way to burn fat fast is to get active, burn calories and raise your normal metabolic rate. This helps to keep your body in good condition and it helps to motivate you to lose weight.

How Exercise Helps You to Burn Fat Fast

Let's say you eat 1 cup full-fat yogurt (approx 240 calories).

* If you jump rope, you can burn off all these calories in about 22 minutes.
* If you walk at 3mph, you can burn off these calories in about 48 minutes.
* In addition, exercise helps to raise your metabolic rate, which makes it easier to lose fat.
* Finally, exercise also helps you to lose fat by boosting your motivation to stick to your weight loss program.

Your metabolism doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet.

Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days -- because it assumes that you'll continue to eat in the same general way.

Time to shock your metabolism by doing something you've never tried before you're going to do the OPPOSITE of what it expects you to do. You're going to NOT continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time, and you're going to lose a lot of weight by doing this.

To make this work you need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten as shown in our diet on the next page, and if you do this then your metabolism will burn all of the calories eaten. Then, when it finishes burning those calories it will find the nearest available fat tissue on your body and burn that too..

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